Thursday, February 19, 2015

For the Love of It 10K

This race was suppose to happen on Valentine's day at 8AM in the morning in Reston, VA.  Reston isn't too far from where I live, about 60 minutes with weekend traffic.  But after running through the week in bitter cold, I couldn't get myself out the door to run this race in 15 degree weather.

I did review the photos from the race and it looks like it was another great PR Racing event.  Looking forward to the next PR event, the Reston 10 Miler, on March 1st.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Planned 2015 Runs

This article outlines the runs that I am planning to run for the 2015 Runner year.  As each run completes I will post a retrospective on the race so others can decide if it is something may be interested in trying and I can document for myself if I enjoyed it so I can remember to sign up again, or not, the following year.